By Carlos Brobjerg

We will find a gay light
Attached to Thy strings,
On the ever vanquishing
Wings of a Phrygian God,
Our beloved sun among
Billion stars and more,
A Wonder, such as their
Eyes have yet not seen
A miracle unfolding
And Thy golden chariot
Spreading, curling, nursing golden vows
An enchanted witness
Guiding us towards
New stars!

Attached to Thy strings,
In lighthearted gayety,	
On ever vanquishing Wings
Of a Phrygian deity,
I see Thee rise and soar,
my helion, my house.

Among a billion stars and more,
A Wonder, such as mine eye
Hath never seen before,
Unfolding marvel in the sky,
And Thy golden chariot sings,
Spreading, curling, nursing golden vows.

An enchanted might
driving me towards Thee
Like Orion to Merope
In eternal flight.