Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.
By Hans Frederik Brobjerg
February 2019

One mind in a billion minds,
minds – of so many kinds,
although truly only one.
They tell me a life has passed,
some say: "he is gone, at last."
I know better – life has only just begun.

Mankind is a ship at loss,
lit – but it lost its course,
which was never hard to find.
Every single soul willed might,
know it from its inner light,
that is – truly – what the wise man had in mind.

Growing trees of loving deeds,
now – growing from the seeds
he did plant in each of us.
some say: "just do, what he did,"
others: "change a little bit."
I know better – nothing shall be what it was.

Seeking the eternal laws,
brave – seeking also flaws –
in the fabric of my kind.
Righting wrongs now of the past,
I must tell myself at last:
"do, what he did – always serve the highest mind."